It is a long-established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.


Audio and video quality play a crucial role in creating a professional and engaging livestreaming experience. Poor audio or video can detract from your content and make it difficult for viewers to stay engaged. Many different factors go into making your livestream the best it can be, and it isn’t always easy to do.

What you can do to make a livestream great

  1. Stable internet connection: A reliable and high-speed internet connection is essential for a smooth streaming experience. Make sure you have a dedicated and stable connection to avoid interruptions or buffering.
  2. Quality equipment: Invest in good-quality audio and video equipment. Consider using a high-definition camera and a microphone that captures clear and crisp audio. External microphones, such as lavalier or shotgun mics, can greatly improve audio quality over built-in microphones.
  3. Background: Pay attention to your streaming environment. Choose a clean and clutter-free background that is relevant to your content or branding. Ensure that the background doesn’t distract from the main focus, which is you and your content.
  4. Test and optimize: Before going live, test your audio and video setup. Check the framing, audio levels, and overall quality. Make adjustments as needed to ensure everything is working properly and looks and sounds professional.
  5. Bandwidth and resolution: Determine the appropriate video resolution and bit rate based on your internet connection and target audience. Higher resolutions require more bandwidth, so make sure your internet connection can handle the chosen settings without compromising the stream quality.
  6. Monitor the stream: Keep an eye on your livestream while broadcasting. Monitor the audio levels to ensure they are consistent and free from distortions. Also, watch the video feed to ensure that there are no technical issues or glitches during the broadcast.

Even with these steps to make your stream a step above the rest, there will almost always be technical difficulties with live productions. There are many steps to ensure it does not happen, but here are a few to try and prevent it:

  1. Audio checks: Perform thorough audio tests before going live. Check the audio levels, clarity, and any potential background noise. Use headphones to monitor your audio during the stream to catch any issues in real time.
  2. Camera switching: If you have multiple cameras, plan for camera switching during your stream. This way, if one camera fails, you can seamlessly switch to another camera without interrupting the broadcast.
  3. Communication: If you’re streaming with a team, establish clear communication channels and signals to quickly address any technical issues. This can include having a dedicated person monitoring the stream and alerting you if something goes wrong.
  4. Troubleshooting steps: Familiarize yourself with troubleshooting steps for common technical issues. For example, if the audio suddenly becomes distorted, you could have a checklist of potential causes like checking cables, adjusting audio settings, or restarting equipment.
  5. Engage with viewers: If technical issues arise during the stream, communicate with your viewers transparently. Let them know that you’re aware of the problem and are working to resolve it. This helps maintain their trust and engagement.
  6. Learn from mistakes: Even with the best preparation, things can still go wrong. Take note of any issues that occurred and analyze what went wrong. Learn from these experiences to improve your future streams and prevent similar issues from happening again.

Remember, technical issues are a part of livestreaming and how you handle them professionally and calmly can make a significant difference. With practice, adaptability, and the right troubleshooting strategies, you can minimize the impact of technical glitches on your livestreams.