ITT Gage Network Upgrade

Project Overview ITT Gage reached out to CatchMark to assist with refreshing their network equipment. The existing devices were end-of-life and needed to be replaced to prevent a security risk. This needed to be completed in a single afternoon with minimal downtime.   Project Duration The project planning and coordination took a week, but the […]

Network Upgrade For Ravenna Auction

Project Overview: Ravenna Auction has been a customer for many years. They hold livestock sales and are dedicated to the livestock industry and driving producer results. In December 2024, around Christmas, they contacted CatchMark for assistance with some networking issues impacting the live streaming of their auctions. The network connection with the computer broadcasting the […]

Dairy Farm Scale House Networking

Project Overview: A dairy farm customer contacted CatchMark for help getting network connectivity to their new scale house. This scale weighs trucks as they come in and out of the dairy.  Having network connectivity allows for this to be an automated process that helps the truck drivers stay in their trucks and cut down on […]

Network Equipment Cleanup

Project Overview: A gas station customer contacted CatchMark for help organizing their networking equipment, which was constantly bumped and unplugged. This equipment provided the connectivity for the gas pumps to function.   Project Duration The project took three hours to complete. Planning and communication were done leading up to the execution between CatchMark and the […]

Village of Shelby – Getty Park Security Cameras

Project Overview: The Village of Shelby in Oceana County recently completed a renovation of Getty Park, a project the village council had been developing for several years. The council partnered with CatchMark to develop a comprehensive security camera solution to protect this community investment. The CatchMark Technology Solutions Team collaborated closely with Chief Roesler to […]

Animal Welfare Project

Project Overview: CatchMark partnered with several dairy farms to implement a solution for monitoring animal welfare. The program aimed to build transparency and trust across the value chain while promoting continuous improvement in farm management. Key objectives included (i) capturing all human-animal interactions, (ii) fostering trust and transparency as part of farm culture, and (iii) […]

Hudl Focus Camera Installation

Project Overview: Dansville High School contacted CatchMark to assist with installing their Hudl Focus cameras. These cameras are used to auto-track sporting events to stream and record the action without a cameraperson. They needed one installed in their gym and at their football field.   Project Duration This was a single day project.   Technology […]

Gate Entry Access Control

Project Overview: Silver Lake Resort and Campground contacted CatchMark to assist them with a solution for access control for the entrance gate at their facility. They needed a way to control access to the facility and not have the staff manually doing this.   Project Duration In three business days, this was completed, the day […]

Office Suite Remodel

Project Overview: CatchMark was asked by a customer to design, install, and configure the technology infrastructure for their new office suite. The space was going to be fully remodeled to meet their needs and on the technology side that included network cabling, network hardware, wireless networks, audio/video solutions for private offices and conference rooms, sound […]